Female Tonic
Suggested for: painful menses, PMS, uterine conditions and menopause. NOT TO BE TAKEN DURING PREGNANCY Ingredients: Grain Alcohol/ Apple Cider Vinegar, Water, Copalchi, Man Vine, Billy Webb, Skunk Root, Ginger, Wild Yam
Suggested for: painful menses, PMS, uterine conditions and menopause. NOT TO BE TAKEN DURING PREGNANCY Ingredients: Grain Alcohol/ Apple Cider Vinegar, Water, Copalchi, Man Vine, Billy Webb, Skunk Root, Ginger, Wild Yam
Suggested for: painful menses, PMS, uterine conditions and menopause. NOT TO BE TAKEN DURING PREGNANCY Ingredients: Grain Alcohol/ Apple Cider Vinegar, Water, Copalchi, Man Vine, Billy Webb, Skunk Root, Ginger, Wild Yam